Sep 20, 2024  
Academic Catalog 2018-2019 
Academic Catalog 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Life


The Orientation program, held during each semester, is designed to facilitate the transition to college, to familiarize new students with the organization and operation of the College, and to assist them in finalizing their academic schedule. In addition, the Orientation program is designed to establish academic expectations through a common book reading and working with faculty in academic sessions.

As part of Orientation, the College provides a program on federal laws relative to Title IX, SAVE (Sexual Assault Violence Act), and VAWA (Violence Against Women Act). The program is designed to address issues of sexual misconduct, reporting procedures, and bystander intervention.

Accordingly, freshmen and transfer students are required to participate in Orientation and are expected to attend all related meetings and activities. Throughout Orientation new students are provided an opportunity to meet members of the faculty, administration, and Student Government Association. Several social events are held to assist the students in developing new friendships and establishing Flagler as their home away from home.

Student Government Association

The purpose of the Student Government Association is to represent and further the interests of the student body and the College, and to facilitate communications among administration, faculty, and students. Members of the Student Government Association serve on several committees of the College and present ideas and suggestions from the students’ perspective through these committee assignments. The association also distributes part of the Student Activity Fee to clubs and organizations on campus and participates in many community service projects.

The role of students in regard to the decision-making process is advisory and recommendatory. The Student Government Association is the primary organization for the solicitation, formulation, and presentation of student proposals. Additionally, students serve on several College committees, and student opinion is obtained through various surveys, focus groups, and interviews.

Social and Cultural Activities

The College sponsors a variety of programs designed to enhance the academic programs through social, recreational, and cultural activities and events. All students are encouraged to participate in approved campus activities and organizations to the extent that such involvement does not detract from their academic responsibilities.

Major events are Family Weekend, De-stress Days, Harry Potter Month, and Formals. Students also enjoy concerts, lectures, dances, movies, poolside parties, and beach days. The Ringhaver Student Center provides areas for student interaction outside of the classroom. In addition to spending time in any of the three lounges or grabbing a bite to eat, student activities, intramurals, and the Campus Activity Board offer social, recreational, and cultural events throughout the year. The Commons Building at the FEC-Complex also provides areas for student interaction outside the classroom. Included within the Commons Building is a fitness/wellness area, television lounge, group study rooms, a hospitality room, and a convenience store.

The College promotes interests in the arts through the program of instruction in art and drama. College drama productions and art exhibits in the Crisp-Ellert Art Museum add to the cultural atmosphere of the institution and provide many opportunities for student participation. The Lewis Auditorium serves as a theatre for College drama productions and is used for fine arts productions, cultural events, lectures, and various student activities.

Because of its traditional interest in art and theatre, St. Augustine provides a rich supplement to the programs presented by students and faculty. Students are encouraged to participate in various community-sponsored activities and to attend plays, lectures, and concerts offered by outside groups and organizations.

Email is the main means of communication on campus; however, other methods are also available. Signs, postings, The Hammock (Orgsync), and video feeds to monitors in various buildings are often used to announce different events, athletic activities, club meetings, social activities, and pertinent academic information and deadlines. The Office of Student Services maintains a master event calendar and all activities sponsored by campus clubs and organizations must be cleared through this office before advertising is allowed.

Student Government Association (SGA): A group of student-elected leaders, SGA is Flagler College’s liaison between students and the college, promoting fluid communication and thereby fostering the social and academic development of students. SGA actively represents student opinions, advocates cooperation and understanding in all areas of the college experience, implements improvements necessary to the welfare of students and the college, and encourages effective student organizations.

Campus Activities Board (CAB): CAB plans social, recreational, and cultural events in order to bring students together and foster friendships through fun and stress-relieving activites. Past events have included movie nights on the West Lawn, pool parties, visits from comedians, and De-Stress Day, which is an event providing pizza, inflatable rides, and numerous other enjoyments to help students relax before finals. CAB is always open to suggestions and welcomes student input.

Flagler College Volunteers (FCV): Provide a community for students who are committed to onging service, reflection, and relationship-building. Members may choose from a variety of partner agencies where they commit themselves to an ongoing service opportunity. While days and times of service vary by site, all members benefit from regular reflection and hands-on community involvement.


Clubs and organizations are available to all full time students. Students are encouraged to join and become active members within as many clubs or organizations as meet their interest.

Cultural Clubs:

Black Student Association (BSA): This club allows black students on campus a collective community and will also allow club members to spread knowledge on black culture and identity.

Club Unity: This club provides a safe space for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender students. Club Unity also works to promote issues in an inviting and welcoming environment for all students on campus. Unity acts as a student resource for LGBTQ+ issues and educates the students and staff of Flagler College on the lives of LGBTQ+ students in an effort to create acceptance. This club also performs acts of community service for St. Augustine and raises money for charitable organization.

Deaf Awareness Club: The Deaf Awareness Club seeks to support the Deaf Community both on and off campus and to make the greater community aware of the unique nature of individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing. Members of the club assist students at the Florida School for the Deaf in social, athletic, and cultural events on an ongoing basis. They also provide awareness activities to students at Flagler through their participation in College events as well as specifically designed club events such as Deaf Awareness Day. A primary goal of the club is to maintain a partnership with a small school for the deaf in San Miguel de Allende, MX, Escuela de Educacion Especial de San Miguel de Allende, A.C. This is accomplished through fundraising, distance communication, and service learning trips by our students twice a year. During these week-long trips to San Miguel, students have the opportunity to learn Mexican Sign language, assist in the classrooms, work closely with students and teachers, and to model current educational methodologies. Any student participating in the Deaf Awareness Club is welcome to travel to the school with the club adviser and other students to experience this wonderful learning activity!

International Student Club: This club promotes international diversity within the school by organizing various campus events to engage students with different cultures while also helping international students to integrate into American culture. Our hope is to cultivate a more diverse campus and introduce a richer, more comprehensive sense of community.

Military Veteran’s Club: Serves to engage and educate students on the past and ongoing history of the US Military, while hosting military related events on campus.

Educational Interest Clubs:

Archaeology Club: Focuses on the preservation and discovery of historic artifacts in the local area and works closely with Florida Public Archaeology Network.

Artists Striving to End Poverty (ASTEP): This club works with the local school district to end artistic poverty and put on different workshops to allow students a creative outlet to their stress and problems as well as find a passion for the arts.

Association of Fundraising Professionals: This association gives students who are interested in nonprofit or higher education industries the chance to promote philanthropy through exciting and challenging career opportunities.

Philosophy/Religion Symposium: Provides a forum for open discourse of ideas among peers interested in philosophical and/or religious thought. Brings in guest speakers for lectures and dialogue with students, attends conferences and workshops that feature leading scholars in the various fields regarding philosophy/religion, and promotes tolerance and cooperation within the St. Augustine community through active volunteer service and Symposium events.

Science Club: An opportunity for students with a love for science to perform safe and fun experience with those who share the same interest.

Social Sciences Club: This club exists to strengthen students’ understanding and knowledge of the social sciences, including, anthropology, criminology, psychology, and sociology. This club also mentors students majoring or minoring in the social sciences.

Religious Affiliated Clubs

Campus to City Wesley Foundation: A club dedicated to inviting students of the Methodist faith a place to worship on campus.

Catholic College Fellowship: To come to a better understanding of the Catholic faith through education and prayer. We are committed to fostering a community of faith encouraging people of all faiths and backgrounds to participate with us in helping those who are less fortunate than us through community service and prayer.

CRU: This club exists for the purpose of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ through our actions, attitudes and way of life, and reaching out to believers through the Biblical model of discipleship. In doing this we adhere to the infallible Word of God and seek to bring the Kingdom of Christ to the Flagler College campus.

Intervarsity Christian Fellowship: Establish and advance at colleges and universities, witness communities of students and faculty who follow Jesus as Savior and Lord: growing in love for God, God’s Word, God’s people of every ethnicity and culture and God’s purposes in the world.

Muslim Student Association: A club dedicated to informing the student body about the practices of Islam and also represent the Muslim population on campus.

Pagan Student Association: A club dedicated to inviting students who are not of the Abrahamic faith a place to worship on campus as well as inform the student body of what Paganism truly is.

Special Interest Clubs

Film Club: Film Club’s goal is to broaden the spectrum of the average young adult in the rising world of media to better understand the current culture and the change of cultures.

Flagler College - College Democrats: Stimulate interest and promote the principles of the Democratic Party, as well as develop political leadership skills among students.

Flagler College - College Republicans: Stimulate interest and promote the principles of the Republican Party, as well as develop political leadership skills among students.

Gaming Guild: Provide a venue for students to come together to learn, teach, and play various games, including video, board, card, etc.

Glee Club: Continuing the long tradition of collegiate-level choral musicianship, Flagler College’s Glee Club provides an exciting environment where musical talents can be nurtured. Our supportive community of like-minded peers encourages students who love singing to join, while encouraging students to express their dancing talents as well.

Green Team: Focuses on encouraging students to live “greener” lives, while actively pursuing a more sustainable and eco-friendly atmosphere on our college and surrounding community.

Ink Slingers: Club for students who are interested in expressing themselves through creative writing.

Lambda Chi Alpha: To lead a co-curricular Greek movement, predicated on partnership and collaboration amongst the undergraduates, host institutions, alumni and General Fraternity, and offering an experience that focuses on the maturational development of today’s college man. As such, it is the vision of Lambda Chi Alpha to extend itself beyond the traditional social fraternity in practice and principle.

NAMI Flagler: The National Alliance in Mental Illness or NAMI strives to raise awareness about mental illness, educate the campus community, support students, promote services, and advocate for those affected by mental health stigma, stereotypes, and inequality.

Phi Alpha Omega: A woman’s community service organization that focuses on promoting “friendship, loyalty, honesty, and sisterhood.” Together, we help our community take part in national causes, while providing an enjoyable atmosphere for social interaction among our sisters. Website:

Photography Club: This club strives to give students of any major the ability to explore their talent through a lens, whether experienced or unexperienced, and help these students learn in a fun, social, and educational environment.

Pineapple Society: Provides opportunities for relaxation, de-stressing, and fun by cultivating Flagler’s legacy of hospitality throughout campus.

Ponce de Laugh On: To bring the fun of improv and sketch comedy, by showcasing their talent and hilarity, to the Flagler and St. Augustine community.

Team One Love Flagler: The Flagler College branch of the One Love Foundation works to raise awareness about the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships and end relationship abuse through workshops, film, on-campus events and partnerships.

Sports Clubs

Club Hockey: This club allows students of Flagler College to learn how to play ice hockey. It also allows students to compete in local and national competitions against other colleges. This club is only open to men at Flagler College and works closely with arenas in Jacksonville.

Dance Club: A club dedicated to promoting dance in the local community and showcasing skills at Flagler College Basketball games.

Dive Club: Works to keep certified divers active, assist in new diver certification, and to have some environmental outreach to preserve the water and ecosystem quality of the oceans.

Fishing Club: Works to raise awareness of safe practices, conservation, and ethical multi-species fishing in a variety of environments.

Men’s Lacrosse Club: Students are encouraged to take part in physical activities while at Flagler, and Lacrosse Club functions as one of those recreational activities. Its purpose is to attract students who have played or desire to learn lacrosse while also promoting a healthy lifestyle and positive social environment on campus.

Men’s Soccer Club: Provides an active outlet for students as well as offering an opportunity to play at the collegiate club level. This club fosters a sense of sportsmanship and enhances athletic skills.

Quidditch Club: Students who enjoy the Harry Potter series have the opportunity to play a sport that is growing nationally among colleges.

Table Tennis Club: The purpose of the table Tennis Club is to establish a fun but competitive environment where students interested in table tennis can share their passion with like-minded peers. We wish to promote table tennis as the Olympic sport that it is, and simultaneously train and educate members so that they gain a fundamental understanding of the game, and hopefully become better players in the long run.

Winter Guard: Promotes interest and entertains within the Flagler College community through the use of performances, and create a sense of teamwork.

Academic Organizations

American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA): Gets students involved in the local design community, creating a community of their own, and helping them build leadership skills that will be of value to them in the professional world.

Dow Advantage Public Relations Group: A student-run public relations agency which works with non-profit groups in the St. Augustine area.

ENACTUSEntrepreneurs In Action: Enactus is an international organization that connects student, academic and business leaders through entrepreneurial-based projects. Enactus students create and implement entrepreneurial projects in their communities and around the globe. The experience not only transforms lives, it helps students develop the kind of talent and perspective that are essential to leadership in an ever-more complicated and challenging world.

Model United Nations: Model United Nations simulations provide students with a unique opportunity to utilize and expand their knowledge ofinternational affairs outside of the classroom. Participation in simulations demands that students develop a thorough knowledge of not only the politics of the specific nation they are playing, but its relationship with other states, and the role of the United Nations in diplomacy. Simulations familiarize students with how the United Nations actually functions, particularly in the practice of effective verbal and written communication, negotiation, compromise, and mediation. Through Model United Nations, students interested in international affairs have the opportunity to enrich their learning experience and prepare for further graduate study or work in international careers.

Phi Alpha Delta: PAD membership is open to any student in good standing who is interested in pre-law studies. PAD promotes the intellectual and social activities of its members in order to aid in their advancement into the study of law.

Public Relations Student Society of America: The Flagler College PRSSA chapter seeks to advance the public relations profession by teaching future professionals and helping students get involved in leadership programs, competitions and internships. The chapter serves as a networking ground between students and professionals, as well as a way for members to build professional portfolios. As members, students get a hands-on approach to public relations. The Flagler College PRSSA chapter also writes and executes strategic plans for local organizations.

Society for Advancement of Management: Providing an opportunity for student members to increase management skills and expertise through participation in programs and services designed to improve the professional quality of their knowledge, performance and leadership ability.

Society of Professional Journalists: This organization exposes communication students to effective, ethical journalism and provides in-depth training, and a wealth of resources and services to enhance their learning experience.

Student Media Opportunities

FCTV - Flagler College Television (FCTV) is a student-run television production company that produces Flagler College Sports programming as well as programming that is college and community-centered. The FCTV student crew produces programming that airs on WCWJ TV (CW-17) in Jacksonville. FCTV programs include a magazine show entitled Ancient City Stories, programs covering the Flagler College Forum on Government and Public Policy, and numerous nationally recognized guest lecturers.

FCTV also serves as an outlet for original student programming like music videos for local bands and current affairs programming for the St. Augustine community. FCTV live-streams most Flagler College home college sporting events.

The Flagler College Gargoyle - An award-winning, student-run online newspaper, The Gargoyle is for aspiring journalists, communication majors, and other students at Flagler College who are interested in news, sports, opinion, entertainment, photography, and video.

FLARE: The Flagler Review - FLARE is a literary journal published by English Department students at Flagler College. The publication is printed in the spring, along with online editions. FLARE seeks to publish both up-and-coming and established writers in poetry, fiction, and nonfiction, as well as artists.

WFCF - WFCF, 88FIVE FM, is Flagler College’s 10,000 watt noncommercial educational FM broadcast facility and has been on the air since 1993. The station’s coverage area encompasses St. Johns, Flagler, Putnam, and portions of Volusia counties in northeast Florida, and it is online on iHeartRadio. WFCF reaches approximately 52,000 listeners a week. WFCF offers real-world, experiential learning opportunities for students from all academic backgrounds. The staff is comprised of students and volunteers from the community. Students can participate in a variety of positions at the station including on-air announcer, radio production, programming, promotions, sports broadcasting, station operations, music director, and management.

Honor Societies

Alpha Chi - National College Honor Scholarship Society is a general academic honor society. Its purpose is to promote and recognize character and scholarship.

Alpha Kappa Delta - Alpha Kappa Delta is an international sociology honor society dedicated to the ideal of Athropon Katamanthanein Diakonesein or “to investigate humanity for the purpose of service.” AKD is organized to promote excellence in the study of sociology, in the research of social problems, and in other activities that will lead to improvement of the human condition. Junior and senior students majoring or minoring in Sociology with high academic achievement are eligible for membership in Alpha Kappa Delta.

Alpha Phi Sigma - Recognizes academic excellence of students of Criminal Justice. The goals of Alpha Phi Sigma are to honor and promote academic excellence, community service, educational leadership, and unity. Alpha Phi Sigma is the only criminal justice honor society certified by the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences.

Alpha Psi Omega - Alpha Psi Omega is the national theatre arts honor society. It has enjoyed continuous national growth with over 600 casts and is the largest national honor society in America. Colleges and universities of recognized standing, having an established theatre program which supports educational objectives as well as producing plays, are potential candidates for chapters. This society honors those with a 3.0 cumulative GPA and who have shown dedication to the theatre. The organization acts as a support to the theatre arts department as well as a service organization with fund raising activities for charitable groups.

Kappa Delta Pi - An international honor society in education, Kappa Delta Pi is organized to recognize excellence in education. The honor society is based on high academic achievement, commitment to education as a career, and a professional attitude that assures steady growth in the profession. Kappa Delta Pi elects those to membership who exhibit the ideals of scholarship, high personal standards, and promise in teaching and allied professions.

Omicron Delta Epsilon - An international honor society in economics, Omicron Delta Epsilon is one of the world’s largest academic honor societies. The objectives of Omicron Delta Epsilon are recognition of scholastic attainment and the honoring of outstanding achievements in economics; the establishment of closer ties between students and faculty in economics within colleges and universities, and among colleges and universities; the publication of its official journal, The American Economist, and sponsoring of panels at professional meetings as well as the Irving Fisher and Frank W. Taussig competitions.

Omicron Delta Kappa - The honor society has a threefold purpose: to recognize individuals who have attained a high standard of leadership in collegiate and/or community activities and to encourage them to aspire to higher achievements; to bring together the most representative individuals in all phases of collegiate life and thus to create an organization which will help to mold the sentiment of the institution on questions of local and intercollegiate interest; and to bring together members of the faculty and student body on a basis of mutual interest, understanding, and helpfulness. Members are selected on the basis of their achievement in five major phases of campus life: scholarship, athletics; campus or community services, social, religious activities, and campus government; journalism, speech, and the mass media; and the creative and performing arts.

Phi Alpha Theta - An American honor society for undergraduate and graduate students and professors of history. The society is a charter member of the Association of College Honor Societies and has over 350,000 members, with about 9,500 new members joining each year through 860 local chapters. Students interested in joining the society must complete a minimum of 12 semester hours (4 courses) in history, achieve a minimum GPA of 3.1 in history, and a GPA of 3.0 or better overall. Membership is not limited to History majors. The Alpha Nu Omega chapter at Flagler College was established in 2010. The chapter has served the campus by sponsoring guest lectures, organizing extracurricular events to involve students with the town, and assisting with the history-related conference held at the College.

Phi Omicron - Flagler’s chapter of Lambda Pi Eta is the undergraduate National Communication Honor Society of the National Communication Association (NCA). Lambda Pi Eta honors outstanding student scholars in communication.

Pi Sigma Alpha - A national honor society in political science, a major goal of Pi Sigma Alpha is “to stimulate scholarship and intelligent interest in political science.” The society functions at the national level, sponsoring programs and events of value to the profession and teaching of political science, and at the chapter level. The Flagler Chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha seeks to foster an understanding and appreciation of political science and the many fields in which it plays a role. To that end, Flagler’s Chapter seeks to promote academic excellence in the field of political science and off students at Flagler a view of the many career choices a Political Science major has to off both academic and non-academic. This will include, but is not limited to, assisting students in researching graduate schools programs, inviting guest speakers in the fields of political science and political theory to Flagler, assisting students in submitting papers for publication in the Pi Sigma Alpha magazine or other undergraduate publications, on campus Help Nights during mid-terms and finals, etc. These events will help increase interest in the Political Science major at Flagler and help current majors make contacts and develop potential career paths.

Psi Chi - A national honor society in psychology, Psi Chi is dedicated to encouraging, stimulating, and maintaining excellence in scholarship and advancing the science of psychology. The goals of Psi Chi are: to provide academic recognition to its inductees by the mere fact of membership and to nurture the spark of that accomplishment by offering a climate congenial to its creative development. Minimum qualifications for active student membership include a completion of at least three semesters of college credit; completion of nine semester hours of Psychology; declared Psychology major or minor; rank in the upper 35% of their class; high standards of personal behavior; and two-thirds affirmative votes of those present at regular meetings of the chapter.

Sigma Beta Delta - An international honor society to recognize scholarship and achievement in business. Accounting, Business Administration, and Finance majors who are juniors and seniors and who rank in the top 10% of their class, and who are invited by the faculty, are eligible for membership.

Sigma Tau Delta - The purpose of this honor society is to confer distinction for high achievement in the English language and literature, to provide cultural stimulation on campus, and to promote interest in language and literature in the community.

Intercollegiate Athletics

The Flagler College Department of Athletics, a member of the NCAA Division II and the Peach Belt Conference, offers fifteen (15) varsity sports for both men and women. After many years in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA), the Department of Athletics moved to NCAA Division II in 2006. All rules, regulations, and standards of the NCAA DII will be followed by the College. Student-athletes may have classes on MWF until 2:50 p.m. and TR until 3:15 p.m.

The men’s athletics programs consist of baseball, basketball, cross country, golf, indoor track and field, soccer, and tennis. The women’s athletics programs include basketball, cross country, golf, indoor track and field, soccer, softball, tennis, and volleyball.

Since moving to the Peach Belt Conference, the Flagler Saints have won six consecutive Institution of the Year awards in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015. The Flagler volleyball, men’s soccer, women’s cross country, and men’s and women’s golf teams have all won conference championships. The Flagler volleyball, men’s soccer, softball, men’s and women’s golf, men’s indoor track & field (individual), men’s and women’s tennis, and men’s and women’s cross country teams have all competed in NCAA tournaments.

In addition, the Saints have earned a total of twenty-four (24) PBC Sportsmanship awards in the sports of baseball, men’s and women’s basketball, men’s and women’s golf, softball, cross country, and volleyball. The Peach Belt Conference team sportsmanship award goes to the team that best exemplifies the spirit of sportsmanship and generally conducts themselves with a high degree of integrity, character, and class.

In 2013, Jud Damon, Director of Athletics at Flagler College, was selected as the NCAA Bob Frederick Sportsmanship Award recipient. The Bob Frederick Award is given to one coach or administrator each year across the entire NCAA membership who possesses a demonstrated history of sportsmanship. The award was named for former University of Kansas Athletic Director Bob Frederick.

Athletics facilities on campus include the Flagler Gymnasium and the Flagler Tennis Center. Located two miles from campus, the Flagler College Athletics Complex is a 19-acre complex comprised of a state of the art athletics locker-room facility. In addition, the facility includes a 650-seat stadium for baseball (Drysdale Field), 500-seat stadium for softball (Flagler Field), and a 600-seat soccer seating venue (Saints Field).

Cheerleaders - Students are selected on the basis of skill, proficiency, and enthusiasm. Members represent the College primarily at home basketball games, college functions, and community events. Cheerleaders are under the supervision of the Department of Athletics.

Intramurals - Intramural sports are an important part of the recreational activities on campus, and their success depends mainly upon student interest and participation. The aims of the intramural sports program are to develop physical fitness, good sportsmanship, self-reliance, and an appreciation for teamwork. All students are encouraged to take part in some aspect of the intramural sports program, which includes tennis, softball, basketball, volleyball, touch football, swimming, soccer, table tennis, pool, miniature golf, and bowling. The intramural program is under the direction of the Department of Student Services.

Career Development Center

The Career Development Center, located on the second floor of the Anderson Cottage, assists students and alumni in understanding the career planning process, diving deep into career and major exploration beyond a one-time instance. Our staff engages in holistic discussions on the individual’s time spent at Flagler College, brainstorming and identifying opportunities to develop as a student and community member. These include campus clubs and organizations, research and faculty partnerships, and internship placements, culminating in employment opportunities and graduate school admissions.

Each student is offered individualized support in defining and attaining career objectives. From individual counseling sessions and walk-in availability to group workshops and employer presentations, the Career Development Center is dedicated to helping students plan for the future as well as providing the knowledge and tools necessary to put those plans into action.

Services include exploration of careers, graduate schools/programs, career goals, and information concerning career fields, employment opportunities, interviewing, resumes, internships, networking, and job search strategies. In addition, students can pick up free informative handouts and publications from leading associations and companies; review current employment opportunities; access computerized career guidance programs; research salary and employer information; and meet with advisors for one-on-one assistance in any of these areas.

The Career Development Center designates more than a simple transactional relationship with students and alumni, but a comprehensive approach to the individual’s professional development during their time on campus and as a contributing member to the community. Our Four-Year Plan helps students explore and prepare their career planning during the first two years and later encourages action and transition as they ready for graduation.

Four-Year Plan

The four-year plan is a systematic career-planning program that ensures students receive comprehensive career guidance.

1st year: Explore

  • Meet with the Career Development Center to explore career possibilities and majors, and to learn about resources offered.
  • Begin to develop relationships with faculty, advisors, and key administrators.
  • Complete career assessments to assist in identifying your strengths, weaknesses, skills, values, and interests.
  • Join a student club or organization.
  • Talk to upperclassmen who majored in what you plan to major in.
  • Find summer employment related to your career interests.
  • Take an elective in a major you are considering.

2nd year: Prepare

  • Research and apply for internships, summer jobs, and volunteer positions related to your career field.
  • Explore companies and shadow professionals in your field of interest.
  • Begin working on a resume with the Career Development Center.
  • Meet with faculty members and advisor to brainstorm career paths.
  • Consider whether additional education will be needed for your chosen career path.
  • Research specific careers and required qualifications.
  • Solidify your major and begin signing up for electives that will assist you in your career path and personal development.
  • Begin building a professional wardrobe.

3rd year: Action

  • Complete an internship.
  • Practice interview skills by scheduling a mock interview with a Career Development staff member.
  • Join student chapters affiliated with the professional associations in your field.
  • Begin building a portfolio for your career path.
  • Bring your resume to the Career Development Center for review.
  • Determine if there are other “resume builders” for your field, aside from internships.
  • Improve your desired skills – public speaking, organization, problem solving, writing.
  • Explore graduate school programs.
  • Schedule informational interviews with prospective career contacts.
  • Apply for leadership positions on and off campus.
  • Register and prepare for graduate school admissions tests such as the GRE, LSAT, MCAT, or GMAT.

4th year: Transition

  • Plan to apply and interview for jobs/graduate schools 4-6 months before you graduate.
  • Complete a second internship to make your resume stand out.
  • Plan a strategic job search/finalize your resume and cover letter with the Career Development Center.
  • Network! Let all of your contacts know that you are looking for entry-level employment.
  • Compile a list of references; obtain their permission and collect contact information.
  • For graduate school, complete your personal statement and mail your applications.
  • Formulate a “Plan B” in case you need to make last minute career adjustments.
  • Begin branding and marketing yourself as a professional.

Every Year:

  • Set career goals and steps to accomplish those goals.
  • Keep track of your accomplishments to use on your resume.
  • Attend Career Development Center sponsored events, workshops, etiquette dinners, and fairs to meet job recruiters.
  • Get in the habit of seeking out opportunities early. Many internships, summer career immersion programs, and job postings have application dates well in advance of start dates.
  • Cultivate a career network. Keep in touch with former supervisors, faculty and individuals you meet through family, friends, clubs, and classes.

Community Service: The College strongly encourages student involvement in the St. Augustine community. Flagler College Volunteers (FCV) Provide a community for students who are committed to ongoing service, reflection, and relationship-building. Members may choose from a variety of partner agencies where they commit themselves to an onging service opportunity. Some of these agencies include SAFE, Saint Augustine Center for Living, Home Again Saint Johns, and the Boys and Girls Club. While days and times of service vary by site, all members benefit from regular reflection and hands-on community involvement. In addition to FCV all athletic teams, clubs, and organizations are required to perform community service. Individuals interested in becoming involved should contact the Director of Student Activities in the Office of Student Services in the Ringhaver Student Center.

Services for Students with Disabilities

See Students with Disabilities .

Medical Care - Health Services

The College maintains a health center, centrally located next to the College post office, and it is available to full-time boarding and non-boarding students. The health center is staffed by a licensed nurse practitioner and a registered nurse from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday, and is under the supervision of the college physician who sees students first come first serve from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m., Monday through Friday. There is a nurse practitioner who provides women’s health by appointment.

Flagler College follows the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services requirements for measles and rubella vaccinations. All students born after 1956 are required to present documented proof of two (2) measles immunizations. Also, students, regardless of age, shall present documented proof of two (2) immunizations against rubella. All students must be vaccinated against meningococcal meningitis and hepatitis B or sign a waiver declining the vaccines.

In case of a serious illness or accident, which requires specialized care, students must seek care from outside sources. In most cases, parents will be notified by the Vice President of Student Services. Students preferring to consult a physician outside of Flagler College may do so at their own expense.

Counseling Services

The College offers counseling services to help students deal with personal concerns and problems that interfere with their emotional well-being and/or academic progress. The Counseling Center provides individual and group counseling, crisis intervention, consultation, and referral services. All services are confidential to the extent allowed by law and are not part of the student’s educational records. Services received at the Counseling Center are free of charge to all currently enrolled students.

There are many reasons students seek professional counseling. Often, they want to feel more satisfied with their lives, be more effective in dealing with challenges, increase their self-awareness, improve their self-esteem or enhance interpersonal skills. Counseling can also help with problems related to: adjustment to college life;relationships; roommate conflicts; family issues; grief; time management; anxiety; eating disorders; alcohol and other substance use; stress; depression; trauma; anger; social isolation; sexual identity; study skills; and test anxiety.

The Counseling Center is located in Tinlin House at 65 Valencia Street, next door to the tennis courts. Students must schedule an appointment in-person during business hours, Monday-Friday, 8-12 and 1-5. You may also contact the Counseling Center by calling (904) 819-6305 or by e-mailing Additional information can be obtained at

Campus Assessment, Response, and Evaluation (CARE) Team

The Campus Assessment, Response and Evaluation (CARE) Team exists as a proactive, multi-disciplinary program in support of the safety, health, and well-being of all students, faculty, and staff. Its goal is to provide a structured positive method for addressing student behaviors that may adversely impact the college community, the mission of the College, and may involve mental health and/or safety issues. The CARE Team consists of a group of qualified college professionals who are likely to become involved with and/or receive information pertaining to a student of concern.

The CARE Team provides a means by which members of the college community may report concerns related to the above. The CARE Team may then assess the risk associated with these concerns and, in cooperation with other appropriate college offices or officials, formulate an appropriate response when an individual’s behavior and/or statements generate concern that he/she may present a threat to the well-being, health, or safety of self or others.

Concerns may be reported to the CARE Team by any student, parent, faculty, staff member of the College, and by others not directly associated with the College. The most common method of reporting is done via the college website options; including: and the CARE Team “Quick Link” on the MyFlagler Portal site. A report may also be made by calling the CARE line at (904) 819-6308.

The types of concerns that should be reported include, but are not limited to: behaviors or threats (direct or implied) that may entail risk of harm to self or others; erratic or disruptive behavior (including online activities); belief that a student’s emotional well-being is deteriorating or at significant risk; and substance abuse resulting in the need for medical intervention. Any person who believes that a member of the college community or a visitor is going to commit an act of violence, is engaging in behavior or making statements that indicate the high likelihood of violent behavior, or otherwise may pose an imminent threat to the health or safety of self or any member of the college community or its visitors, should immediately call the St. Augustine Police Department by dialing 911, and the Office of Safety and Security at (904) 810-6200.

After a CARE submission is reviewed, the response will vary depending on the type of concern reported. This may range from an e-mail and/or phone contact offering assistance for a student representing a lower level of risk, to an immediate/mandatory appointment with a student representing potentially high risk. Students judged to be potentially at risk will be instructed to undergo an assessment at the Counseling Center. Following the initial meeting, students may request to be assessed by an outside agency with findings provided back to the CARE Team.

After the assessment, the CARE Team will make a determination that takes into consideration the student’s best interest, as well as the best interest of the college community. Possible outcomes include, but are not limited to: appropriate treatment; referral to an additional campus resource; accommodations, reduction in access to courses and/or facilities; and withdrawal from the College.

In determining an appropriate outcome, the College will consider whether there is a reasonable way to accommodate the student to decrease the safety risk to the student or others and/or to ensure compliance with college policies. Moreover, any decision to withdraw a student from the College will be made in consultation with a professional qualified to interpret the evidence. The decision rendered by the team will be made in a nondiscriminatory manner based on the observation of a student’s conduct, actions, and statements and will not be based on a slightly increased, speculative, or remote risk of substantial harm to oneself or others. Students who fail to comply with an assessment requirement may be referred to the Vice President of Student Services for action.

Retaliating against a person who has made a report to the CARE Team in good faith or has participated in an investigation is prohibited. Retaliation includes, but is not limited to: ostracizing the person; pressuring the person to drop the report or not participate in an investigation; or taking other adverse action against the person. An individual who engages in retaliation under this policy will be subject to discipline in accordance with the College’s personnel, faculty, or student life policies, as applicable.

Additional information about the Campus Assessment, Response and Evaluation (CARE) Team, reasons to make a referral, and the link to report a concern about a student may be found at

Residence Halls

The College has six residence halls for incoming students, freshman and transfers, located within the main hub of campus. Ponce de Leon Hall, the central building on campus, houses approximately 461 women, with freshman female students housed on the first three floors and transfer females housed on the fourth floor. The incoming men’s residence halls are Lewis House, housing approximately 180 men and Cedar Hall, with a capacity of 104 men for freshman and transfer male students. The college has opened Abare Hall, a new residence hall adjacent to the FEC towers, which will house 148 returning upperclass men and women.

The FEC Complex, comprised of the three FEC Towers and Abare Hall, houses returning male and female students. The FEC towers are double rooms with a private bath. There are a few singles available in each tower. Abare Hall provides individuals with a private bedroom, common living area, and a shared bathroom. Connecting the FEC Towers and Abare Hall is the Commons Building, which has recreational lounge areas, fitness and wellness facilities, and a convenience store.

All residence halls are card access security controlled and located within easy walking distance of other campus facilities including classrooms, faculty and administrative offices, the Library and the Dining Hall, Student Center, and recreational facilities.

All new freshmen must live in College housing except those whose homes are within commuting distance of the College or who are over 20 years of age. The residence hall program is under the supervision of the Vice President of Student Services and his staff and is designed to further the academic and social objectives of the College. Most rooms are arranged for two or three students; however, there are suites which may accommodate three or more students. All rooms are furnished with beds, dressers, desks, and chairs. Linens, bedding, and pillows must be provided by the student. Each room also contains a microfridge for shared usage.

Food Service

Meals are served to students, faculty, and guests in the College Dining Room, an attractive, high-domed structure with frescoed ceilings. Well-balanced meals with a variety of selections are served cafeteria style; the food service is catered by ARAMARK.

All boarding students are required to be on a meal plan for each semester they reside on campus. All incoming new boarding students must purchase the full meal plan for the entire first academic year. Returning boarding students must choose one of the meal plan options for the entire year. Non-boarding or commuter students may purchase any of the meal plan options available.


Students are permitted to have automobiles or motorcycles. The College reserves the right to deny this privilege at any time for academic or disciplinary reasons. In order to park in any college controlled parking areas, a student must purchase a Flagler College parking permit. Parking spaces are very limited and may be restricted for certain buildings.


St. Augustine is served by Greyhound Bus service with departures scheduled throughout the day at various times. Jacksonville, 45 miles to the north, and Daytona, 50 miles to the south, are served by major airlines connecting to all parts of the country.


The College does not provide on-campus banking facilities for students. Commercial banks are available within a short distance from the campus.


There are free laundry facilities on campus for boarding students.

Ringhaver Student Center

The Ringhaver Student Center is centrally located between the three residence halls, opposite Ponce De Leon Hall, and down the street from the Proctor Library. The Ringhaver Student Center includes three lounges: one recreational lounge which contains pool tables, ping pong tables, and a foosball table; a television viewing lounge; and one lounge designed for quiet conversation and reflection time. The Center includes a food court, the College Bookstore, classrooms, and a large multipurpose room. In addition, the Ringhaver Student Center houses the Office of Student Services, the Office of the Registrar, the Office of Student Success and Advising, the Director of Intramurals, the Student Government Association, and the Campus Activity Board office.

The Commons

The Commons, at the FEC Complex, includes a lounge with fireplace, hospitality suite, fitness and wellness room, study lounges and offices for residence life and student activities. In addition, the Commons has a convenience store with grab and go food, supplies and toiletries.


The Flagler College Bookstore,, provides a complete selection of required textbooks, supplies, apparel, and more.  The bookstore, conveniently located on the first floor of the Ringhaver Student Center, takes pride in having 90% of textbook stock available at used prices, saving students at least 25% off new prices.

The Bookstore offers a price matching guarantee on all purchased books. Students who purchase (not rent) their textbooks from the Flagler College Bookstore and find the same textbooks in stock for a lesser price at another legitimate commercial book retailer will be refunded the difference in price plus 10% more.

Students have the option to rent their textbooks directly through the Bookstore.  Renting is always less expensive than purchasing textbooks.  To rent books, you will need a valid Flagler College student ID number and a credit/debit card that expires after the end of the rental term.  Students are allowed to lightly write and highlight in their rented books.  These books must be checked in at the end of the semester. If a student decides to keep, loses or damages their rented book, they can pay the difference between the purchase and rental price to avoid the late fee and replacement cost.

The bookstore offers year-round buy-back.  The official buy-back at the end of the semester takes place during finals week and is the best time to sell books.  A receipt is not necessary during buy-back.  Additionally, books can be sold that have been purchased elsewhere.

Students awaiting financial aid refunds are able to get their books through the Bookstore’s payment deferral program.  The bookstore also works with Vocational Rehabilitation and Veteran’s Affairs. The Flagler College Bookstore offers exchanges and/or refunds on all books returned within the drop-add period of each semester with the original receipt and in its original condition. The Flagler College Bookstore accepts cash, personal checks, Bookstore gift cards, and ALL major credit cards. For more information, and to use the cost comparison guide, visit their website,

Flagler’s Legacy

Located inside the Rotunda of Ponce Hall and at 59 St. George Street, Flagler’s Legacy provides a complete section of Flagler College apparel and souvenirs as well as providing historic tours of the former Hotel Ponce de Leon. Created in 2000 as an Enactus student project, Flagler’s Legacy is owned and operated by Flagler College and employs around 16 students every semester. Open daily or online at (904) 823-3378.

Religious Life

Houses of worship, representing many different faiths, can be found within walking distance of the campus.

College Regulations

Regulations governing student conduct are published in the Student Handbook, which can be found on line at Such regulations are prescribed to ensure the safety and well-being of all students and to promote the academic and social purposes of the College. Attendance at Flagler College is a privilege granted solely by the College and may be forfeited by any student whose conduct violates prescribed standards. Students who choose to enroll at Flagler College agree to comply with the rules, policies, procedures, and administrative regulations, as they exist at the time of a student’s initial enrollment. Students must also comply with any changes, additions, or modifications that occur during their enrollment.

General Conduct Regulations

The College reserves the right to require at any time the withdrawal of any student whose presence or conduct is deemed to be contrary to the best interest of the institution. Students are expected to accept responsibility for exhibiting appropriate conduct both on and off campus and are required to acquaint themselves with the College policies and regulations as stated in the Catalog and the Student Handbook.

Notice of Nondiscrimination

Flagler College is committed to diversity, inclusion and pursuit of a higher education with adherence to high ethical standards. It is the policy of Flagler College not to discriminate in admission, treatment, or access to, or employment in, its programs or activities on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, age, disability, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other protected characteristic.

For more information, visit

Sexual Misconduct

Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 states, “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” Sexual Misconduct is a form of sexual discrimination prohibited by Title IX. Sexual Misconduct is any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, such as gender based discrimination and sexual violence. It includes but is not limited to: dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, sexual and gender based harassment, sexual intimidation, and stalking. To report instances of Sexual Misconduct, contact Title IX Coordinator, Jessica Kobryn at, 904-826-8553, or Proctor Library, Room 317.

For more information and access to the full policy and procedures, visit:

Alcoholic Beverages

The use or possession of alcoholic beverages and alcoholic paraphernalia on the campus by students or their guests is prohibited and will result in disciplinary action by the College. Students are expected to comply with municipal and state laws pertaining to the possession and use of alcoholic beverages off campus. Incidents of misconduct involving the use or consumption of alcoholic beverages are subject to College disciplinary action.


Flagler College complies with the Drug Free Schools and Communities Amendments of 1989 in making students and employees aware of the laws pertaining to the use of alcohol and other drugs and by actively discouraging the violation of these laws.

The College’s student conduct regulations prohibit the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of alcohol and other drugs by students and student organizations. The College responds to the issue of substance abuse in three ways: education of the college community about alcohol and drug use and its consequences; confidential counseling for those with personal problems related to alcohol/drug abuse and illegal substance abuse/use; and disciplinary actions. The use, consumption, possession, sale manufacture, trafficking or transfer of any illegal drug or controlled substance, as defined by Florida state and Federal law, for which the individual does not have a legal license or valid prescription is strictly prohibited. Use, display, and/or possession of drug paraphernalia are prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, bongs, pipes, hookahs, water pipes, or any other item modified or adapted for planting, propagating, cultivating, growing, harvesting, manufacturing, compounding, converting, producing, processing, preparing, testing, analyzing, packaging, storing, containing, concealing, injecting, ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise introducing a controlled substance into the human body. Violations of this policy are handled on a case by case basis through the Dean of Student Services/Chief Judicial Affairs office.

For second or subsequent offenses involving the violation of college policy regarding the unlawful use of alcohol/ drugs, progressively more severe penalties shall be imposed with the likelihood of a minimum one semester suspension.


Effective August 1, 2018, the Flagler College campus will be smoke and tobacco-free. The use of smoke and tobacco products will be prohibited on property, interior and exterior, owned, rented, or managed by Flagler College and extends to vehicles parked on campus or in college parking facilities. The policy applies to all Flagler College students, faculty, employees, contractors, visitors, and external individuals or companies.

Definition of Terms
“Smoking” means inhaling, exhaling, burning, or other personal use of any lit or unlit tobacco or simulated tobacco product, including cigarettes; electronic cigarettes; vaping products, including Juuls; cigars; electronic cigars; hookahs; pipe tobacco; and any other tobacco products or simulated tobacco products.

“Tobacco use” means the personal use of any tobacco or simulated tobacco product, whether intended to be lit or not, which includes, but is not limited to: smoking, as defined above; the use of any other device intended to simulate smoking; as well as the use of smokeless tobacco, including snuff; chewing tobacco; smokeless pouches; any other form of loose-leaf, smokeless tobacco; and the use of unlit cigarettes, cigars, and pipe tobacco. 

“College Property” includes  all property owned, rented, or managed by Flagler College including the interiors and exteriors of all buildings, land, parking facilities, college-owned or leased vehicles (regardless of location), athletic facilities, rooftops, plazas, courtyards, entrance/ exit ways, and any indoor or outdoor areas owned, rented, or managed by the College.

Tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke by non-users constitute a significant health hazard. The purpose of this policy is to reduce student and employee exposure to the harmful effects of smoking and tobacco use in the educational environment. Flagler College is committed to providing all members of the College with a clean and healthy environment and to help everyone achieve academic excellence.  Those who violate this policy by smoking or using tobacco in the manner prohibited above will be subject to corrective actions consistent with current college procedures that address the violation.

Inter-Hall Visitation

Inter-hall visitation is allowed during specified hours and on specific floors within specific residence halls. All guests must be registered in the lobby and provide an official identification (College ID, Driver’s License, Military ID, Passport) which will be kept until the visitor leaves. Residents must escort the guest at all times and can only proceed to the resident’s room. Residents’ cell phone number or contact information must be on file in the lobby. Roommate agreements are necessary before any guests are allowed to visit the room. All guests must be an enrolled Flagler College student or over the age of eighteen (18). Residents may have only two registered guests per visit. Students who violate these regulations are subject to disciplinary action by the Student Judiciary Council or the Dean of Student Services. In the event of a violation of this regulation all parties involved, occupants and visitors, are held responsible. Family members may visit at all times, so long as they are escorted by the resident.

Exclusion dates may be established by the College.

Disorderly Conduct

From the time that a student applies to the College until the time at which the student’s enrollment is officially terminated, the College reserves the right to take cognizance of any conduct on the part of the student that may disqualify him or her from initial enrollment or from continuing enrollment for successive semesters.

Once enrolled, students are not only accountable for their conduct on campus during the academic semester, but also for their conduct off campus, during vacations, and between semesters. Accordingly, the violation of any law, statute, or ordinance, the violation of any College rules or other conduct that reflect discredit upon the institution is subject to review and appropriate disciplinary action, regardless of whether the violation or misconduct occurs off campus during vacations or between semesters.

Disorderly conduct is any action or disruptive behavior, committed on or off campus that may result in a breach of the peace, disturbance, or adversely affects the College community. Such conduct is a violation of the College regulations and constitutes an interference with the standards and purpose of the College. Disorderly conduct includes, but is not limited to, the following: violation of any law, statute, or ordinance; failure to comply with written or oral instructions given by the College staff and faculty in the performance of their official duties; and indecent or obscene conduct or expression. Any violation of this regulation will subject the student to suspension or dismissal from the College.

Safety and Security

The Office of Safety and Security works to ensure the College community’s safety and to offer assistance in the case of any emergency. The Office of Safety and Security works in tandem with the St. Augustine Police Department to maintain the security of Flagler College’s students, faculty and staff, as well as visitors to the campus. The office is also responsible for enforcing college regulations and restrictions on campus and for protecting college property and equipment.

The main Security office is located at 170 Malaga Street, with a satellite office in the Rotunda of Ponce de Leon Hall.  Both are open 24/7. Security officers are on duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Security may be contacted by calling (904) 819-6200 or x-200 on a college phone.

Emergency Information

In the event of a critical incident affecting the College campus or serious weather emergency threatening the area, the College will begin posting advisories and other important information through the following channels:

  • Campus e-mail (for students, faculty and staff)
  • Main College Phone Line - (904) 829-6481
  • 88.5 FM (Flagler College Radio)
  • LiveSafe downloadable phone application - text messaging
  • Flagler’s Emergency Web Site: