Academic Catalog 2024-2025
Elementary Education/Exceptional Student Education Major
An Elementary and Exceptional Student Education major is immersed in the field of special education through coursework and practicum experiences in local elementary, middle, and high school. Majors will work with students with high incidence (mild) and low (moderate to severe) disabilities identified through the law. Students will explore the foundations, identification, and strategies for how individuals with disabilities are best served in public education.
ELEM/ESE majors also explore:
- Case law and ethical standards that govern the education of students with exceptionalities
- The characteristics of students with exceptionalities using the eligibility criteria of categories included in current state and federal laws and regulations governing K-12 education programs.
- Typical and atypical development of physical, cognitive, linguistic, social, and emotional stages of students in the K-12 educational system.
- Varied instructional strategies and resources, including appropriate technology, to provide comprehensible instruction, and to teach for student understanding.
- Differentiation of instruction based on an assessments of student learning needs and recognition of individual differences in students.
Program Coordinator: Dr. Edwidge Crevecoeur Bryant (ebryant@flagler.edu)
Professional Education Courses (32 Hours)
Elementary Education (24 Hours)
- EEL 261 - Elementary Methods - Mathematics I Credits: 3
- EEL 301 - Elementary Reading Instruction Credits: 3
- EEL 302 - Children’s Literature: Reading Across the Content Areas Credits: 3
- EEL 342 - Elementary Methods of Social Studies Credits: 3
- EEL 362 - Elementary Methods - Mathematics II Credits: 3
Practicum in Mathematics (20-hour practicum)
Practicum in Mathematics is a carefully designed field experience connected to EEL 362 (Elementary Methods of Teaching Mathematics) that allows Flagler teacher education students to transfer education theory from coursework into practice in an elementary education school setting where mathematics is taught. The practicum in math experience involves Flagler students in various aspects of classroom teaching: methodology, pedagogy, curriculum/standards, student engagement, and classroom management. Students will employ a growth mindset and reflective practices when observing, assisting, planning, implementing, and assessing mathematics learners in an actual school environment under the guidance of the course professor, mentor teacher, and college supervisor. Students move through four basic learning experiences: observation, to assist, one-to-one tutoring or instruction, and small group instruction. All practicum placements are made through the Flagler College clinical education coordinator. - EEL 062 - Practicum in Mathematics Credits: 0
- EEL 364 - Elementary Methods of Science Credits: 3
- EEL 431 - Elementary Methods of Language Arts Credits: 3
- EEL 455 - Diagnostic Reading Credits: 3
Practicum in Literacy (20-hour practicum)
Practicum in Literacy is a carefully designed field experience allowing Flagler teacher education students to transfer education theory from coursework into practice in an elementary classroom and school setting. The Practicum II experience involves Flagler students in various aspects of K-5 classroom teaching: methodology, pedagogy, curriculum/standards, student engagement, and classroom management. Students will employ a growth mindset and reflective practices when observing, assisting, planning, implementing, and assessing K-5th grade learners while in an actual school environment under the guidance of a mentor teacher and college supervisor. Students move through four basic learning experiences: observation and assistant, one-to-one tutoring or instruction, and group instruction. All practicum placements are made through the Flagler College clinical education coordinator. - EEL 055 - Practicum in Literacy Credits: 0
Practicum in Mathematics
Practicum in Mathematics
Practicum in Mathematics is a carefully designed field experience connected to EEL 362 (Elementary Methods of Teaching Mathematics) that allows Flagler teacher education students to transfer education theory from coursework into practice in an elementary education school setting where mathematics is taught. The practicum in math experience involves Flagler students in various aspects of classroom teaching: methodology, pedagogy, curriculum/standards, student engagement, and classroom management. Students will employ a growth mindset and reflective practices when observing, assisting, planning, implementing, and assessing mathematics learners in an actual school environment under the guidance of the course professor, mentor teacher, and college supervisor. Students move through four basic learning experiences: observation, to assist, one-to-one tutoring or instruction, and small group instruction. All practicum placements are made through the Flagler College clinical education coordinator.
Practicum in Literacy
Practicum in Literacy
Practicum in Literacy is a carefully designed field experience allowing Flagler teacher education students to transfer education theory from coursework into practice in an elementary classroom and school setting. The Practicum II experience involves Flagler students in various aspects of K-5 classroom teaching: methodology, pedagogy, curriculum/standards, student engagement, and classroom management. Students will employ a growth mindset and reflective practices when observing, assisting, planning, implementing, and assessing K-5th grade learners while in an actual school environment under the guidance of a mentor teacher and college supervisor. Students move through four basic learning experiences: observation and assistant, one-to-one tutoring or instruction, and group instruction. All practicum placements are made through the Flagler College clinical education coordinator.
Exceptional Student Education Courses (12 Hours)
Department Required Mathematics Course (3 Hours)
Elective Courses (At Least 7 Hours)
To meet the minimum 120-hour graduation requirement, at least 13 additional credit hours must be earned.